We start our service with a visual inspection by a skilled technician to evaluate your dryer vent system and suggest the best solutions for any issues. We take airflow and back pressure measurements to gauge blockage severity. We remove lint, animal nests, and other clogs from your vent. For safety, we sanitize areas with harmful bacteria.
Booster fan cleaning and lint screen cleaning are also included in our comprehensive service. Regular dryer vent cleaning by Fire and Ice can make your vent system safer and more efficient. Contact us for more information or to schedule a Greensboro, NC dryer vent cleaning appointment.
Regularly cleaning your dryer vents can prevent potential fires by reducing the risk of lint ignition.
Neglecting to clean your vent can result in increased energy consumption and potentially dangerous situations. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, over 2,900 dryer fires occur each year, causing extensive damage, injuries, and even fatalities.
Yes, but it is highly recommended to have a certified professional technician do the job regularly.
DIY attempts can result in property damage, increased clogging risk, and a false sense of security.
In the past, dryer vents were easy to maintain due to their short runs. However, with more dryers being installed in upper levels of homes, condos, and apartments, maintaining long and concealed vent runs with multiple elbows has become more challenging for homeowners and renters.
Often, DIY attempts at cleaning the vent can actually make the problem worse by packing lint clogs tighter instead of removing them. This can increase the risk of fire without the homeowner’s knowledge. Additionally, damage to the vent can leave the home vulnerable to gas leaks.
In summary, it is essential to have the dryer vent cleaned properly by a professional to ensure peace of mind and efficient operation. Contact us for expert cleaning services – call or schedule an appointment online now.
Heating and cooling systems are awesome, but they can be confusing when there is a problem.
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